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To much old for an escore my opinion
I will be honest I tried the gilr with the black underwer and an other gilr she was blond and slim really they were the most uglyst an professional gilrs I met
CHRISTY AND VICKY: you dont have even name. Who are you???
Not in Cyprus guys
She is not in Cyprus
Ok guys if I m a liar go and see for your self.. And they have bad review and they deleted them that's why they don't have review
NIKA AND KIRA: send me exact time of your visit and our adress in larnaka. what the name of the building we are in???
Not worth it for sure guys.
NIKA AND KIRA: this guy is a liar, a typicall masturbator who sitting looking on the pics and writing reviews without to visit any girl, coz he has no money. empty beggar
350 euro for 30 min are you siorious now she's the most excisis gilr in the market
Not worth the cost guys better go to an other girl,,,,,,,
Guys is she real because she doesn't answer never the phone?
Your WhatsApp doesn't work