Just amazinggg....she love what she do...she gonna leave you happyy...smilie and very sexy.amazing in all part...her body is a hot rocket..
Μόλις άνοιξε την πόρτα έπαθα πλάκα
Είναι ακόμα πιο όμορφη από κοντά και ότι βλέπεις από τις φωτογραφίες αυτό θα πάρεις
Πολύ επικοινωνιακή σε κάνει να νιώσεις άνετα και επίσης έχει και πολύ χιούμορ
Ένα σώμα απίστευτο με πολύ ωραίο βυζι και πραγματικά έναν από του καλύτερους κωλους που έχω δει και έχω γαμησει
Παρά πολύ καθαρή μύριζε υπέροχα όλο της το σώμα και επίσης και όλο της το σπίτι πεντακάθαρο
Έκανα 3 φορές μπάνιο και με χαρά με περιποιήθηκε σε όλα
Η πίπα ήταν ότι καλύτερο και στο σεξ είναι πάρα πολύ ενεργή και καυλιαρα
Εν ολίγης η κοπέλα είναι επαγγελματίας με όλη την σημασία της λέξης
Τα καλύτερα 150 ευρώ που έχω δώσει
Babe it’s Nikos thanks for everything 😘😘
Malakaa 😂
Η MINT, μια υπέροχη ύπαρξη.
Αρχικά, είναι κούκλα όπως και στις φωτογραφίες!
Για όσους συναγωνιστές ενδιαφέρονται για μία ζεστή εμπειρία, η κοπέλα είναι ιδανική επιλογή. Έμεινα πλήρως ικανοποιημένος από τις υπηρεσίες, μάλλον οι καλύτερες που συνάντησα μέχρι στιγμής. Ένιωσα άνεση, οικειότητα και ο χρόνος κύλησε γρήγορα. Ήταν γενναιόδωρη στο σεξ και περάσαμε πολύ ωραία μαζί.
Την συνιστώ! <3 <3 <3
Πολύ κάλλη!!!!!!!!!δεν συνηθίζω να γράφω εδώ αλλά για την συγκεκριμένη ναι θα γράψω γιατί μετα από πολλές πατάτες που έφαγα βρήκα καποια (στα γούστα μου)που αξίζει!
Την πήρα τηλέφωνο πολύ συμπαθητική!
Μου είπε ότι μπορώ να την επισκεφτώ στης 9 το βράδυ….παρκινκ βρήκα πολύ εύκολα….
Χαμογελαστή,εντυπωσιακή,και πολύ φιλόξενη στον χώρο της….δεν ήταν μια ξεπετα(πολύ βασικό για μένα)
Μετά από συζήτηση βρεθήκαμε στο κρεβατι…
Τρελή πίπα και γλυφοκολι….με έλειωσε……
Δεν μπορούσα να κρατηθώ και έτσι πλήρωσα και δεύτερο γυρο 😀
Πολύ καβλιαρα τα κάνει όλα με πολύ πάθος!!!!!
Άγριο γαμιση στην δεύτερη εκτόνωση 🥰και πολλά άλλα παιχνίδια….ειναι Ενεργοπαθητικη 100%
Αντζυ μου μείνε οπός εισαι!!!!!
Όταν ξανά έρθω Αθήνα σε ξανά επισκεφτώ 100%
Παιδιά προτείνω ανεπιφύλακτα!!!!!!!
Δεν λες τα λεφτά σου!
She is excellent, deserves every euro spent. Definitely will see her again, definitely recommend her to others. Do not lose the opportunity to see her in Athens.
Avoid at any cost .She writes 100 half an hour and 150 for an hour .Then when I was there she wanted me to tip her ! WTF ?
I even bought her a pack of cigarettes after looking around in the neighborhood like an idiot.
She immediately put a condom on my dick while I wasn't aroused yet at all .I tried to kiss her but even though in WhatsApp she wrote that she does Frenchkiss she denied .I just sucked her titts ( I have to be honest -they are great )and her ass a little. I was frustrated so I thought that maybe I could be passive -to save the day - but she said she wanted 200 (in total) for that , then she said 150 .My mood was destroyed so I decided to leave and ask for half of my money back (50€)
She refused and I didn't want to get into a fight so I left .My worst experience ever .Pitty ... because she has the looks but that's all , as I already wrote : AVOID AT ANY COST !!!
Πολύ καλή, με όρεξη και σε κάνει να νιώθεις άνεση από την πρώτη στιγμή! Εξαιρετική για "πρωτάρηδες" (όπως στην δική μου περίπτωση) και πάντα με καλό λόγο! Πραγματικά εντυπωσιακή, χωρίς "πλαστικά", πολύ πιο όμορφη από τις φωτογραφίες και σίγουρα θα την ξαναεπέλεγα!
Ti poutsa einai ayth!! h mounara ayth ta katapina ola!! apo tis liges kolotrypides poy einai fotia. axizei ta lefta thw. na theleiw se afhnei na ths glypseis th psolara
Not really the girl in the photo: lots of corrections and a dick whch is short of 6" (shorter than mine, that is).
Her place is centrally located but not a luxury place, not even a decent one. It is just an appt she shares with other girls (?), badly lit and very simple.
Her BJ was not good, she used her hand all the time. Her cock is well shaped but not the one on the photos and her scrotum was unshaven, which turns me off very much.
I only was active to enjoy her tight hole, though I arrived ready to be passive.
I do NOT recommend her.
Samantha is a wonderful lady. She does her best to please you. She is so sexy. I enjoyed my time with her. I will visit her again without a doubt. She is better than in the pictures.
Δεν μπορούν οι 150 χαρακτήρες να περιγράψουν την υπέροχη εμπειρία μου με τη Μόνικα!🔥🌋Μόνικα!Ήσουν υπέροχη ανυπομονώ για το επόμενο ραντεβού μας!
Very good and nice person. 100% réel and very funy
Very profesional, and she know do for a first Time...
Μια υπέροχη εμπειρία δεν έχω λόγια! Ευχάριστη και πρόθυμη για όλα, επαγγελματίας και πάνω από όλα διακριτική! Από σεξακι απλά τέλειο!
Exactly like the photos! She is clean and very good service!!! She is going slowly and not in a hurry!!! Her cock was a rocket!!! I will meet her again!
Proti mou fora me trans,mia fantasiwsi pou egine pragmatikotita me auto to alogo. Kormara ateleioti pou me ta psilotakouna eftane to 1.90 Me to pou anoigei tin porta sou sikwnete. Den milaei agglika alla akolouthei oti tis deixeis. Kolara apisteuri ,vizia silikonata k fatsara. Tin eixa sta orthia kollimeni sti ntoulapa kana 20 lepto kai tin xouftwna me filia pantou. I poutsa tis megali kai xontri. Tin evala sta 4 kai me ti voithia lipantikou tin karfwna me xastoukia sta kolomeria. Deuteri stasi missionary opou kai teleiwsa otan epesa panw tis kai xouftwsa tin kolara tis. Apisteuti vrasiliana
It was very nice meeting!!!
Very pleasant and friendly the moment with her
I like everything we done together
And it was patiently with me during the sex!!!
And I'll meet her again!!!
Finally I met with this incredible lady !
It's been a long time since she's been here so when I saw her advert ,I booked a date .
She is better than before, more curvy, sexy gorgeous,BIG soft titts &ass , always smiling and friendly.
She played her active role first and then it was my turn . What an ASS !!! O M G !!!
Such an experience today but alas !
She's leaving in a few days 😔
I hope I can visit her before she leaves .
Definitely a babe that every trans lover must try !
Due to Halloween the title of this review shall be : "Trick or Treat ?".
She does everything she claims in her ad and then some ! A lushious , juicy body that is meant to be sucked from head to toe . Deep kisses , amazing 69 with ass drillng (!), Active /Passive with so much passion . And that ass ...OMG .
After the ending of our date it was like I've done aerobics (😂)
I hope I'll be able to meet her again before she leaves.
Trick or Treat ? She treated me a Fuck !
There's no Trick here ,only amazing Treat(ment).
She's better than the photos hence I ticked
" 10% fixed in Photoshop" She doesn't need it
Odpowiedzieć: Hello honey, thank you very much for your sincere words regarding your lived experience. I really give all the best of myself and I really enjoy what I do. I hope to see you again soon and repeat that moment full of lust and pleasure; and of course thank you for being a nice person. I send you a big kiss...
I met her yesterday and oh my god she was sexy. She welcomed me to her house had a small conversation but the action started quickly. She doesn’t prefer kisses but she will let you lick her whole body. Me personally I fell in love with her feet and I couldn’t stop sucking her beautiful white toes. She then ordered me to suck her cock. A nice and hard black cock(because she is 🇧🇷) for a bit and told me she wants to fuck my ass. Me being a virgin I got scared for a second but Carolina took a very good care of me. She used a lot of lube, got inside me and the feeling was amazing. She started stroking my cock and I didn’t even last a minute 🙈. Took a shower and left. Sexiest girl I’ve ever been with. I would definitely recommend her
She is perfect! Gorgeous, very sexy and hot, a very delicious big dick, she is very polite, smile on her face from beginning to end, great during sex, I cum with a wonderful feeling. It is definitely worth the investment, she is incredible. I hope I have the opportunity to visit you again, before you leaves.
you are a sexy angel my beautiful Beatrice
September came with rain and a date after 5 months of her absence, with physical changes that give the characterization of the "super bombshell" the face is wonderful (I just wanted to look at her), the breasts are soft and wonderful, the "surprise" (of course ) same but the ass ...!!! DIVINE ASS!!! The view in the mirror with me iside her in "doggy style" was absolutely amazing , deepthroating , ass sucking from me , active/passive sex and her coming (spontaneously) while she was sitting on me ...Heaven is here and the Angel that's holding the keys is Cammy !
Setembro chegou com chuva e um encontro depois de 5 meses de ausência, com mudanças físicas que dão a caracterização da "super bomba" o rosto é maravilhoso (eu só queria olhar para ela), os seios são macios e maravilhosos, a "surpresa" (claro) a mesma, mas a bunda...!!! BUNDA DIVINA!!! A visão no espelho comigo ao lado dela em "estilo cachorrinho" foi absolutamente incrível, garganta profunda, chupada de bunda de mim, sexo ativo/passivo e ela gozando (espontaneamente) enquanto ela estava sentada em mim... O céu está aqui e o anjo que está segurando as chaves é Cammy!
The most beautiful girl i meet its very clean and very beautiful i recommend 100% and very kind kisses.. i meet it again sure
You remember me i take your big cock oll in my throat an i leak your beautiful as
I waiting to meet again in few days kisses baby you deserve this you are real photos and in your apartment
Εξαιρετική. Απόλυτα συνεννοήσιμη, πρόθυμη και ευχάριστος χαρακτήρας. Κορμί λαμπάδα και πολύ τρυφερό. Επίσης πεντακάθαρη!
Άξιζε απόλυτα.
Τούμπανο το μωράκι για τρέλα κέφια! Πανέμορφη με τρελό σώμα! Τρομερή συμμετοχή και πολύ πάθος! Απλά τέλεια!
She is amazing both as a person and as a sex partner! Her body is perfect! Her ass even more! She is so clean you want to lick her allover! The apartment is also clean and cozy! She has high EIQ and if you match then it's a fantasy! We had a great time! I felt like she was my girlfriend! Solid 10!!!
Απο τα ποιο δυνατα στην κατηγορια του αυτη τη στιγμη νομιζω! Σωμα 10/10 απιστευτο προσωπακι αντιο... και καυτο σεξ με παθος! Δυνατη επιλογη!
Πολύ όμορφη και φιλική, καυλα σώμα και πολυ πάθος πάνω στο sex! με τρομερή πίπα! Γενικά αυτό που θέλεις για μια μοναδική εμπειρία!
Πολύ όμορφη εμπειρία! Πολύ διακριτική και επαγγελματίας... Πανέμορφη με σωματαρα όπως και στις φωτογραφίες!
It was a wonderful experience. Beautiful woman, great talk and ready to satisfy you. I would definitely see her again. She looks as good as in the pictures.
Ήμουν μαζί της το περασμένο Σαββατοκύριακο. Είναι πραγματικά καταπληκτική! Πρώτο θετικό σημείο, όταν ανοίγει την πόρτα νιώθεις μια αίσθηση ουάου, είναι πραγματικά πανομοιότυπο με τη φωτογραφία, ακόμα πιο όμορφο προσωπικά. Παρόλο που δεν φορούσε μακιγιάζ, εντυπωσιάστηκα από το τι όμορφο πρόσωπο, το σώμα της είναι ανεξήγητο, πώς μπορεί να έχει τόσο θηλυκές καμπύλες, ο κώλος της είναι τέλειος, δεν είναι από αυτά τα ψεύτικα γαϊδούρια. Το καβλί της είναι το καλύτερο που έχω δοκιμάσει ποτέ, η γεύση του, το τέλειο μέγεθος, και το ότι είναι δραστήριο δεν έχει τίποτα άλλο, της αρέσει να γαμάει δυνατά, μια ώρα δεν ήταν αρκετή, μιλήσαμε και κατέληξα να μείνω για άλλη μια ώρα. ήρθε 3 φορές χαλαρή, κάναμε πολύ ενδιαφέρουσες συζητήσεις που μου έδειξαν τον χαρακτήρα της, μόνο από το βλέμμα στα μάτια της ξέρεις ότι είναι καλή. Χωρίς αμφιβολία, δεν μπορείτε να κάνετε λάθος μαζί της. Για μένα όλα ήταν τέλεια και τη σκέφτομαι ακόμα και σήμερα.
She is really better than her photos .A real black beauty .
Lean and sexy , smiling and friendly with a magnificent tool that can intimidate you .Her beautiful succulent lips : excellent . She's now one of my standards , a true model , A STAR ! ✨
PS I'd like her to have a few more kilos...
Ela é realmente melhor do que suas fotos. Uma verdadeira beleza negra.
Magra e sexy, sorridente e simpática com uma ferramenta magnífica que pode te intimidar. Seus lindos lábios suculentos: excelentes. Ela agora é um dos meus padrões, uma verdadeira modelo, UMA ESTRELA! ✨
PS Gostaria que ela tivesse mais alguns quilos...
In person she is super prettier. She is a super nice, kind, affectionate, feminine and sexy girl. Her English is not so fluent. She is attentive and super hygienic. She welcomed me like in the photos. The place where she is located is super nice and clean. She has a super beautiful and tight ass. His cock gets hard, it's a normal size, I loved it, I'll do it again soon.
I saw that she has some old and bad reviews here and I thought I could set the record straight (sic!)
WE met in Athens at the end of February , I was a bit reluctant to meet her - because of not so many good reviews - but I'm glad I did . A bit distant at first but got better .Actually most of the times I finish being passive but this time with her I was so horny that I didn't have the chance to exploit her active services . Great body , curvy , luscious, sexy . If she'd come back in Athens I would definitely meet her again !
Eu vi que ela tem algumas críticas antigas e ruins aqui e pensei que poderia esclarecer as coisas (sic!)
NÓS nos conhecemos em Atenas no final de fevereiro, fiquei um pouco relutante em conhecê-la - por causa de não haver tantas críticas boas - mas estou feliz por ter feito isso. Um pouco distante no começo, mas melhorou. Na verdade na maioria das vezes acabo sendo passivo, mas dessa vez com ela fiquei com tanto tesão que não tive oportunidade de explorar seus serviços ativos. Corpo lindo, curvilíneo, atraente, sexy. Se ela voltasse para Atenas, eu definitivamente a encontraria novamente!
First up, speaks really good english and looks exactly like her photos. yeah - they are glammed up a bit but you can tell it is same person. Charming, charismatic and sweet, Isabella is a dream for any occasion. Extremely beautiful and totally worth the cost. Which was very reasonable. Gorgeous skin, sweet smile and an ass to die for. 100% recommended.
My 2nd time with her and I really wanted to be active with her this time !
Very soft,smooth skin , a beautiful cock to suck (exactly as in videos-not too big) .A relaxing and positive mood that lets you express yourself . A sweet girl that I'd like to have her also in a threesome with one of her gorgeous friends.
Minha segunda vez com ela e eu realmente queria ser ativo com ela dessa vez!
Pele muito macia e lisa, um pau lindo para chupar (exatamente como nos vídeos - não muito grande). Um clima relaxante e positivo que permite que você se expresse. Uma garota doce que eu gostaria de tê-la também em um ménage à trois com uma de suas lindas amigas.
One month after our first meeting, I met her today .
It was amazing , beyond description .
French kissing with passion , intimate sex and both of us climaxing together at the end .
Thank you baby .(George , friend of Yara and "Cammy")
Um mês depois do nosso primeiro encontro, eu a conheci hoje. Foi incrível, além de qualquer descrição. Beijo francês com paixão, sexo íntimo e nós dois chegando ao clímax juntos no final. Obrigado querido. (George, amigo de Yara e "Cammy")
The date is approximate , it was about the time she arrived in Athens .
A girl that tries her best to please you.
A very seductive and lean body with a very cute little tummy 🥰
Beautiful and polite but also a bit shy (?!)
She definitely worthy of your time (and money).
I'm glad I met her .🥰
I wish you the best Isabelle (George ...friend of Yara)
A data é aproximada, foi na época em que ela chegou a Atenas.
Uma garota que faz o possível para agradar você.
Um corpo muito sedutor e magro com uma barriguinha muito fofa 🥰
Linda e educada, mas também um pouco tímida (?!)
Ela definitivamente merece seu tempo (e dinheiro).
Estou feliz por tê-la conhecido.🥰
Desejo a você o melhor, Isabelle (George ...amigo de Yara)
This new review for my beloved Yara is about our last two encounters 18 and 25 0f may 2024.
Such a sweet , kind and sexy babe ! A delight to be around her (and her being inside me LOL 😂)
Both of these last times - without prearranging it - she had her orgasm and I liked it !
Her body so good , lips : delicious , tits : calling out for me to taste them , ass : succulant and DICK : O-M-G !!!
Always looking forward for our next meeting whenever that may be .
Esta nova análise para minha amada Yara é sobre nossos dois últimos encontros, 18 e 25 de maio de 2024.
Uma gata tão doce, gentil e sexy! Uma delícia estar perto dela (e ela estar dentro de mim haha 😂)
Nas duas últimas vezes - sem combinar - ela teve o orgasmo e eu gostei!
O corpo dela é tão bom, lábios: deliciosos, peitos: chamando para eu prová-los, bunda: suculenta e PAU: O-M-G!!!
Estou sempre ansioso pelo nosso próximo encontro, quando for o caso.
Η Μονικα ειναι φανταστική. Πολύ όμορφη, θηλυκή και πολύ φιλική. Μαζί της περασα δυο πολύ όμορφες ώρες που δεν θα ξεχάσω ποτέ. Η καλύτερη στην Αθήνα.
A hidden gem in the center of Athens. I will definitely see her again in the next days and I suggest visiting her if you have the opportunity to do that.
Really charming and easygoing personality , beautiful lips to kiss , cute ass and a nice fat and hard cock for sucking . A very entertaining time that I enjoyed all the way .
I finished while she was inside me and it was amazing ! Thank you L.
Personalidade realmente charmosa e descontraída, lábios lindos para beijar, bunda fofa e um belo pau gordo e duro para chupar.
Um momento muito divertido que gostei muito. Terminei enquanto ela estava dentro de mim e foi incrível! Obrigado L.
There are no word to describe this experience with Beatriz. She is perfect in all ways sweet sexy perfect body. She treated me like so well as this was my first time. No rush ant all, carefully and passionate. Love to go again very soon. Thank you baby for everything!!!!!
πανέμορφη, όμορφη, σέξι και πολύ καυτή. Είναι πραγματικά τα πάντα και πολλά άλλα. ευγενικός και ευγενικός. πάντα προσεκτικός και εξυπηρετικός. έκανε καλά και τους δύο ρόλους και ήταν πολύ χαρούμενη. πίνω το σπέρμα της και είναι πολύ νόστιμο. Της προτείνω ανεπιφύλακτα
Another review for sweet Yara . A gentle and kind girl ready and willing to accommodate your needs.
I don't want to write any details , a gentleman never tells (LOL).
A true gem from Brazil that shines upon our city !
Mais uma resenha para a doce Yara. Uma garota gentil e gentil, pronta e disposta a atender às suas necessidades.
Não quero escrever detalhes, cavalheiro nunca conta (risos).
Uma verdadeira joia do Brasil que brilha em nossa cidade!
🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 YARAAAAAA !!!
The girl is just amazing! Photos are very accurate. She was enjoying alot her rolebeing active. I was passive. Her cock was just the right size to offer you an unforgetable experience! When she cums, produces lot of milk! I will definitely visit her again! Thank you!
πισκευτηκα εχθες την Μονικα. Ψηλη ,γυναικαρα με μακρια ωραια ποδια,Το τοσο πλουσιο στηθος της με εντυπωσιασε, εκπληκτική και μυρίζει ωραία. Κάναμε μια μικρή κουβέντα στην αρχή και πήγαμε στο κρεβατι, δεν αντέχω άλλο, θέλω να φάω αυτά τα βυζιά. Το να πιπιλίζω τις θηλές της ενώ παίζω με το καβλί της με κάνει τόσο καυλιάρη και το ξέρει. Γύρισε στα 69 και την είχα στο στόμα μου καταπληκτικό, την έκανα σκληρή για να μπορεί να με γαμήσει. Πήγε μέχρι μέσα και το πουλί μου έσταζε ασταμάτητα. Αλλάξαμε και τώρα ήταν η ώρα μου να της γαμήσω την κωλαρα , της έκανα σφυρωκοπημα δυνατο στην κώλαρα της
ενώ έπαιζε με τον σκληρό της καυλι στο τέλος έγλειψα τις μπάλες της παίζοντας με το καυλι της την έκανα να τελειώσει.
Εκπλεικτικη εμπειρια .
Μοvika σε'υχαριστω !
I was in Athens before 3 days ago, and I was very lucky to have visited Silvi because she is 100% Geil, the most important is that she sees you like a person and not money.👍 I have no words, she is a fantastic experience trust me a fantastic experience. She is a professional and HUMAN! 😉
The date is approximate but I feel like I owe her a review . She's pretty like in her photos , tits are wonderful to suck with beautiful "female halo" (the area around the nipples ) , strong erection to satisfy any need , firm and cute ass .
Not extremely social but she's nice actually first time we've met I went to meet her roommate and not her and while I was waiting for her friend she treated me (and I treated her ) with a nice blowjob , what a treat that was !
Anyway to summarize, don't hesitate to visit her she will give you a great time . Kisses Ivy from George H.
A data é aproximada, mas sinto que devo uma crítica a ela. Ela é linda como nas fotos, peitos maravilhosos de chupar com linda "auréola feminina" (área ao redor dos mamilos), ereção forte para satisfazer qualquer necessidade, bunda firme e fofa.
Não é extremamente sociável, mas ela é legal, na verdade, na primeira vez que nos conhecemos, fui conhecer a colega de quarto dela e não ela e enquanto esperava pela amiga dela ela me tratou (e eu a tratei) com um belo boquete, que delícia isso foi !
De qualquer forma, para resumir, não hesite em visitá-la, ela lhe proporcionará ótimos momentos. Beijos Ivy de George H.