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I Can't write a review because I havent met this person. but I can DEFINITELY make a comment as a warning for others. This whole profile is a giant red flag because all those pictures are 💯💯💯 FAKE. I say this because I know the person in these pics and where these pictures came from and her Instagram page. And she does not have a profile for these types of services so I don't know where this person got those pictures from, but it is a clear indication that this is a fake page. ( or that at least this is not the actual person you're going to see when you meet, and if they are willing to do that then they are probably willing to run off with your money also) And those reviews that are on this profile are probably fake also because there's no way you would have actually met this woman and seen that the pictures were different than who was actually there and not say anything. So I'm just putting this warning out there so that people don't get taken advantage of.